Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Can I clean my porcealin ceramic tiles with Alcohol? Does Alcohol disinfect - clean and sanitize?
Vinegar can etch the grout. Alcohol and peroxide should kill most germs, after all you do not eat on floor. Amonia and hot water and a tiny bit of dishsoap works well for cleaning stains off of tile
Integral help math haha?
the expression u have mentioned is a bit unclear..so its not possible for me 2 solve...u have not mentioned any sign before 20 also
Still think public school is the best choice?
I was watching a news resport today mentioning about the first public school run by the military and how they currently have 700 students but over 7,000 have applied to attend that school. Public schools need to step up and stop hiding because they are afraid of a school shooting or a lawsuit by a parent. They need to step up and go back to the old ways of teaching respect and hardwork.
Scooby werkstatt, can someone tell me what they think of him?
Well, he looks like he works out too much and he should grow some hair. but then again, ive only seen pictures. Idk what he does.
Apple iphone or blackberry storm?
i am trying to decide between the two, i like the audible click on the storm. but other than that i dont have loyalty to either company. is the iphone data plan mandatory, while the blackberry one isnt? thats what i heard...
What is your opinion of the use of asbestos water troughs or feed bowls?
I'd feed on a plastic tarp before I would allow my horses to use and asbestos bowl or trough. Just because no one disapproves does not make it right. Follow your gut.
Since monotheistic religion inherently breeds hatred, bigotry, and injustice...?
What you claim is completely against the teachings of Baha''u'llah, Founder of the Baha'i Faith, a monotheistic religion. Baha'is believe that religion is one, progressively revealed through the universal divine educators, which have included Krishna, Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, Christ, Muhammad, The Bab, and today Baha'u'llah. To in any way hurt or belittle another from another religion would violate one of Baha'u'llah's fundamental teachings.
Could I have been pregnant and not known it?
It is very possible but its probably more likely that you threw you're body out of whack by taking the wrong pills- the hormone change can really screw with you. There isn't any way to know for sure now as far as im aware of.
Paintball Please Help??
i got my spyder paintball gun the other day but when i put my co2 tank on the gun it wouldnt shoot i heard of an on/off thing on the co2 but what is that? if mine is off how do i turn it on? Can some1 please answer this!!!!!!!!!
If you could change one thing, anything that had happened in your life, which would that be?
I would have studied harder in school. I would have gotten a good degree and would be making a lot more money.
D. Anderson/Braylon Edwards for Week 4?
I think you go with Favre and White. Anderson may not even start this week, and braylon Edwards also has as many catches as he does drops. Not only that, but cincy is 0-3 and desperate. They gave the super bowl champs a fight, they will definitely struggle against cincy
Honda del sol 95 b16a what parts do i need to use to make it 190 hp the legal way?
if you want to go naturally aspirated or all motor and make around that amount of horsepower, dish out the 1.6L and grab your self a 1.8L then we can start talking.
Tatoo josh duhamel ( danny mccoy)?
i wud like a picture of Josh Duhamel's (Danny McCoy, Las Vegas) Tattoo on his chest... please help i just want to know.. thanks
UC Irvine? What are my chances?
If UCI rejects you for freshman admissions, you still have a 100% chance of transfering to UCI by attending a California Community College and following a TAG contract with UCI with a 3.2GPA.
What was the time period in "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathanial Hawthorne?
For my Lit. cl, I have an essay type project...I'm writing a journal in the perspective of Hester Prynne. All I really need to know is the year/years of all that took place (within the book itself).
Lost - spider bite couple?
does anyone remember that one episode where it was dedicated to this couple, i think they had some diamonds, but in the end they got buried alive because the others thought they were dead because of these spider bites. what on earth happened to them? because they surely cant have wasted a whole epsiode on a threadless pointless story line? and since no one actually seems to proepr die on this island, im sur ethere must be more to it??
What do you need to do about a bleeding birthmark?
My 4-week old son has a bright red birthmark on his , it actually touches his . I noticed blood coming from a little spot on it when I changed his diaper. Is this something to be concerned about it?
This is kinda embarring...?
Hi. What should I do? Well i was out partying with my boyfriend and some of his friends yesterday and we went to a club. I was dancing and they were dancing and I got real drunk. Well I ate a bunch of spicy food like tacos and burritos before going out and well I was sorta poll dancing and then I got a really upset stomach. But I ignored it because my boyfriend was watching and was having a good time. Well everyone in the club was watching me and I couldn't take it anymore and I accidentally sharted all over the poll and my boyfriend and his friends. I ran out so fast and I haven't called him yet. He didn't call me either. What do I do? I'm mortified.
Does this sentence make sense?
Even though little advertising is needed as there are no competitors in Liton, we plan to aggressively advertise in the first year of operations in order to capture a large portion of the market share.
Can anyone tell me what this guy is called? Or give me a little history on it? My boyfriend really likes that pendant but wants to know what it means and I have no idea!
What you think Iran is up to with its nuclear affair?
Or it's a black mail policy to advertise itself to the world?Or has no consideration for all inhabitants in Mid East ad elsewhere?Or it is lie-ing just make USA do as it did with Saddam's WMD?We know the leaders are tribal people and hard to come up to our civilisation where all want peace(see US-Russia decrease in such nuclear affairs)....
Today I turned in my 1st job application...?
Today I turned in my 1st job application. I went in and gave it to the man and he said he was going to give it to the lady in charge of hiring but he lookef like he was having a pissy day. Im worried that maybe that'll harm me during this whole process thing
For Christan's, Why is god against knowledge?
I am not christan but, I was wondering why god is against my knowledge. To my understanding, God did not want adam and even to eat the apple because, of the knowledge that was contained in the apple. Though, I do not understand why God wanted man to remain stupid and not have the knowledge that came with eating the apple. Also, why did eating the apple make man acquire original sin, because of this act? (other than because God said so, which seems like a dumb reason to me(
What are some good emo bands?
some like aiden, the used, hawthorne heights, an my chemical romance. Idk if thses are "emO"
What IS the MOST POINTLESS thing IN the WORLD?
The most pointless thing in the world in my opinion are people repeating their stories over and over again (as if I have memory decay).
Felling sleepy all day could be a symptom of gastritis?
I know I have gastritis since 10 years ago, and It has been controlled. Unfortunately we have been having problems in the family that made me feel very nervous and with anxiety. Now everything is better but I keep sleeping all day, I feel very sleepy and tired and I started (again) to throw up bile. Feeling THAT sleepy could be a symptom of gastritis??
Why would a man who flirts and checks you out..?
It's his ego, and game-playing on his part, to see which one of you is willing to fight the hardest for him. If I were you, I'd let the other girl win this one.
Fresh water aquarium bulb.?
I have a fresh water aquarium and I have noticed something that is of concern. The fish seem to stay at the bottom when the light is on, and then when off, swim about, even to the top with abandon. Is there a less harsh light that I can get that will coax the fish above the bottom?
Wat r bands or singers u hate???????
I don't hate a band or a singer, as I have no valid reason to hate them nor do I know them personally.
Now am just scared... What do I do?
first of all if your leaking from your you need to see a doctor cause its way to early for that you produce milk for a while and you could be pregnant cause the faint line you both saw doesn't mean its negative cause you can barely see it when i found out i was pregnant in march the line wa very faint also well good luck
How to solve this physics problem?
two knights on horseback start from rest at 86meters apart and ride directly toward each other to do battle. George's acceleration has a magnitude of 0.15m/s^2, while Alfred's has a magnitude of 0.3m/s^2. How far from George's starting point do the knights collide? The answer is 28.7m but i can't figure out how to do it and i need to show my work. Thanks!
Can I be a WWE Superstar?
I have health conditions. I have asthma, aspergers, seizure disorder, and ADHD/ADD. I'm still in high school I go to a tech high school that ha no wrestling team. I was on the football team but I left in the end due to failing physical science but I ped with a "D". I'm 15 years old going to 10th. I want to be a wrestler because it seems like the ONLY thing I can do REALLY WELL. I'm too rough my mom won't play with me. When I'm furious I go mentally unstable I have a recent past of going to psych hospitals. I stay quiet most of the time don't bother nobody. I don't have a social life I just stay in and play SvR. I'm mad because I can't join the Army when I'm 18, I can't cause I had asthma p age 13. I can't do NASCAR because I could zone or space out while driving, and definitely NOT boxing. I can do football. But I feel I'm better at wrestling. I'm 5'5 154 lbs. I'm kinda strong but with average body fat I have a little gut you could say. I wish Ito have the exact body as Steiner by the time I'm 25-32. If i do play football I'm a try to get the body of Steiner. Steiner is like Broly but in reality with out the ki blast. What do you think?
Why are some atheists giving christians a hard time?
Christians have undergone heaps of suffering like at the collesium we were forced to pray on our knees as lions slowly picked us off. Many martyrs have died for believing in Christ, we were called gentiles and sometimes isolated from society in whole. Can't you give us a break from all our suffering? let us grow?
Are the events occurring in the Arab countries portent to the arrival of the Mahdi?
to be followed soon after by God's prophet Jesus the Messiah descending on a white horse. Together the Mahdi and Jesus will lead the believers of the Almighty and Merciful God to establish the global caliphate. Though most Westerners are ignorant of what will surely come to p, they will not be spared unless they submit to God.
Is anybody else getting really sick of Obama pretending like he's fighting against special interest lobbyists?
I'm sick of any politician who says they aren't in SOMEONE'S pocket. That's how our political dog and pony show works.
I want to download and use GeoGebra, but I don't want to become a nerd. What should I do?
GeoGebra is a 2D geometry program that lets users plot any graph imaginable. I want to use it, but I don't want to get nerdified with bad acne and thick gles. Is there any other program that will display 2D graphs and let me remain cool?
Playing both left and right handed guitar!?
Hey, im left handed and play a left handed electric guitar, however im going to take up b and decided to learn right handed because i think it isnt as hard as electric in terms of coordination and of course there is such a better choice etc. But I was wondering if it is possible for me to do B righty and electric lefty? Or is it impossible to have skill on both sides because im worried if i continue to learn on my left (good side at the moment) then the right will never develope etc...Thanks
According to pam stenzel what should teens be most concerned about with respect to ual relations?
she's big into abstinence, so she probably wants you to "just say no". unfortunately human nature doesn't work that way.
Why is it that my stray kitten keeps running away?
This kitten I found in my garden kesp running away and into this specific hole in the retaining wall behing my house! It worries me sometimes as the hole is only big enough for it to go in one way and it has to reverse out! Is a kittens sense of smell acute enough to enable it to come back to my house? It has done this a few times but out of those times I had to coax it out of the hole!
Investing in my 401K and an IRA?
Whats happening currently makes no difference if you're investing for the long term. And thats what you're doing with a 401k and IRA. Never try to time the market with money you cant afford to risk, like retirement. What matters is your risk tolerance. You're young and you have decades to invest for retirement. By not investing now you are costing yourself money down the road. Invest as much as you can in both a 401k and IRA. As a rule of thumb put the same percentage as your age in bonds and fixed income and the rest in equities.
What is my herritage if my last name is horton?
see, i have not a clue to what i am like (german, italian, irish, polish ect.) and my parents ignore the subject when i ask and i just dont know what i am, im horrifying this subject, ive tried so many websites and nothing told me what i am, can someone pleaseeeee help me out
How Can I Get My Dog to Willingly Go In His Kennel Again?
My dog used to go in his kennel just fine every time I needed him to. I would say "kennel" and in he would go because he would get a treat. He became more difficult after a time and I had to have him follow the treat in the kennel and then shut the door. I continue with the positive reinforcement, but now every time he knows it's kennel time he runs to a corner of the house. When I go and try to coax him out he bites at me and becomes violent. How do I get him back to the well-behaved-kennel-loving dog he once was?
Why is it so hard to find a hair stylist who knows what to do with curly hair?
I don't have curly hair just a nice natural soft curl and when I'm done at the salon, it just droops. They just don't know what to do with it..........they either touch it too much when drying it or automatically just want to straighten it out........
Ebay Question: second chance offer?
second chance offer means the initial sale has failed and now you have to decide if you want to accept the next highest offer
What are the side effects of dehydration and starvation in an older cat?
i have an older cat that went missing almost 3 months ago. 2 days ago he was found near death behind a neighbors house. his coordination was off and he was skin and bones. i called the vet who told me to give him some honey or karo syrup and keep him warm and bring him in in the morning. well, after being checked out we found that his liver enzymes were elevated and he was anemic. they started iv fluids on him and antibiotics. after 2 days he still is having problems with his coordination but liver enzymes are slightly improved
Overheating 1998 Cavalier?
Alright.... I have a 98 Cavalier.. It's STILL overheating after replacing the head twice, replaced the head gaskets, waterpump, radiator.. and so on.. and my coolant is mysteriously disappearing .. any ideas? (Don't tell me a cracked block haha)
Monday, January 9, 2012
Met closes down anti-police blog that offered advice to students involved in last weeks protests?
You have a strange ides about justice. The Telegraph & Guido Fawkes is about reporting possible criminals, while fitwatch, is about avoiding justice. Simple as that.
Hi! Do you think brothers and sisters should necessarily get along?
my brother and sisters live each in a different part of the world and we are not frequently in touch though we've never had any quarrel. However me, being the youngest; i wished to get to know them better so i reached out through email and sms. At first it worked and everyone seemed happy with it, but after a while things got like it was before. so now am fed up as well. What do you think of it?
Best skyline in the united states?
What city (specifically a metropolitan area) do you guys think has the greatest skyline in the US? I would probably say Chicago since the sears tower, etc. What are your favorites?
How to pull off this practical joke??
Hello all. I want to do a practical joke on my wife. We both speak Spanish but not Italian. I want to (in the middle of the night while she�s sleeping) start making exorcist noises and start saying some phrases in Italian, which she knows I don�t speak. What could I say in Italian, that would be ociated with an exorcism and how would I pull the joke off? Also, when she starts freaking out, and I start laughing...would you dump me or would you think it was really funny?
My bunny has soft yucky poo, why and what should I do for her?
She always had hard little pellets for poo and lately she has had large soft clumps of poo, very stinky and it keeps getting all over her back legs and around her rectum, what could be causing this? What can I do fer her? Also her diet consist of rabbit food, the same kind/brand always and she eats a small bowl of romaine lettuce each day, no treats. Also she is a few years old and she is a Mini Rex.
What's the best place for vegetarian food in the Belfast/Bangor area?
I'm so fed up with the vegetarian options in the restaurants I've been to - pasta, pasta or pasta! Vegetarians are definitely second cl citizens here.
What should my 8 month old baby's napping and feeding schedule be?
our current schedule is feeding at 8, noon, 4pm, and 8pm. The napping schedule is 10-noon, 2-4pm, 6-8 pm. We are trying to drop the 6-8 naptime and coincide her dinner with our dinner.
girl just dust your shoulder off..I'm 23 and I get snappy to..parents say stuff like that..they don't usually mean it and they will get over it. I am sure you will have a wonderful vacation so don't put to much thought in it..you know mama loves you so just squash the beef and move on...you are not a horrible person good luck and I know it will get better
I'm sure it's been asked many times, but do you really think it's possible for music to inspire one to kill?
Ironically, Helter Skelter streamed over my Internet music station less than a half hour ago. Even more ironically, I was at work at the time with my sniveling suck up co-workers. There was much blood. If the Helter Skelter defense won't hold up, I confess I had consumed some Twinkies earlier as well. I dunno, it could be a combination of the two that does it. My advice is to never show self-restraint. Things will build up and it is not long after the insane cackling spells that just about anything will make you go postal. I have to go, they're breaking down the doors I've barricaded.
Glock 23 too big for conceal and carry?
Can any Glock 23 owners out there give me some feedback on whether or not this model is comfortable to carry on an everyday basis? I have to tuck my shirts in most of the time, so I'm looking at a Galco Ultimate Second Amendment holster.
How do you win a wrestling
If you want to see actual "Wrestling" turn on the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing China. You will see Greco-Roman Wrestling and Free-Style Wrestling. Many competitors in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) have backgrounds in either Greco-Roman Wrestling or Free-Style Wresting as well as several other Martial Arts and Combat Sports Disciplines.
Should we get a second opinion on HIV test results?
My fiance and I have been together 3 years, never used drugs, and have not had any other ual partners but each other in our 3 year relationship. He is 31 years old and I am 26. He recently went to have a check up at his new provider , where they performed a routine examination and a blood test. He was not aware he was being tested for HIV, just thought it was a regular blood work test because it was a new dr. When he went in for the results, the dr told him that they had tested his blood for HIV and got "abnormalities" on the test, so they tested it again and it tested postive for HIV. Of course we are devastated...and confused/shocked! I immedietly went in to be tested. My test came back negative, but I was advised to be tested again in 3-6 months just in case I have been recently infected by him and am in a window area. My question is, how, after 3 years of unprotected ual with only each other and no other risk factors in our lives, can he have HIV and I dont? It doesnt make any sense to me, as he has had zero exposure in 3 years! Should we get a second opinion or another test? I am so scared and confused...but dont want to live in a state denial. He goes back in this week to see an immunity specialest referred to him by the dr to check his viral loads. I am praying for a miracle. Any advice or knowledge would be great.
Am i a loser?
ok im a 16 year old girl....i used to think i had everything- or everything to make me happy...i was so satisfied wit life....im reaallly smart (but not geeky or dorky), im very athletic, im funny, aand i thought i was sort of pretty. i have chocolate brown eyes and long brown hair. my friends always say they love my hair when i straighten it and wear it down- they say it looks so pretty....i dont wear any makeup cuz ...idk why? i just dont have time or care really...and after seeing some ppl load on so much its just gross....so i dont think im that ugly or anything,.....but ive never been asked on a date, or kissed a guy or anything...like i said im a junior....the only dance i ever went to at my school was turnaout freshman yr (cuz the girls asked the guys!) my date was niec, but we were just kinda friends....ive never been asked to a dance sinec.....but im not a complete loser...i know im not.....but then why do i not get included to dances?! why dont guys take any interst in me
BREAKING NEWS!!! will pacquiao agree to ALL of mayweathers terms?
i don't believe it till a presconfernce happens. till then it's just hopes and dreams. so much for a gag order
What is the difference between a Sumatran tiger and a royal Bengal tiger?
They are separate subspecies of the the tiger - Panthera tigris. The bengal is physically larger and heavier with wider stripes, they sumatran has a more 'bushy' pelage around the head and neck - almost mane-like in appearance. They live in separate geographical regions and habitats.
How do you tell the difference between Kurt Russell and Patrick Swazi?
I can usually tell because Pat smiles some, but they look the same dammit! Help me avoid another clic Swaze/Russell mix-up embarrment people...
POLL: Which movie should I see tonight: The shining or The exorcist?
Watch one and record the other, they're both clics. If you have to choose, go for the Exorcist. People actually fainted in the theatre when it came out. It set the bar for horror films.
How do I deal with a pot smoker who won't stay outside with it like he agreed to?
Your house, your rules. Is kicking him out an option? "He says he should be able to smoke where he wants to? Why? Because he's ill. WRONG! Just because you have an illness doesn't give you a blank check to walk all over someone. He needs serious attitude adjustment. Call the cops if its not medical-use marijuana. Have him hauled off.
Brian roberts and rafael furcal for ian kinsler?
If the trade is Roberts/Furcal for Kinsler and you get Kinsler, its an amazing trade for you. Roberts is very injury prone and could be injured any game while Furcal will not sustain his batting avg for the season. Kinsler is finally hitting some more homers and always has good avg, runs, rbi. Take the deal.
Are scientists and top librarians at the same level?
Someone was talking about someone who was a scientist and then became a professional librarian; I said 'oh so they took a step down then?'; and this person couldn't understand what I meant. They couldn't understand that scientists are considered more prominent, higher up, members of society than librarians
Why is considered a crime in some U.S. states, isn't that like an exaggeration?
I don't look at it as a matter of birth defects at all. I look at it as a violation of trust and a violation of what is basically right or wrong. And I don't mean from a religious point of view. Children live with their parents and they are in a position of dependency to them, or conversely, the parents are in a position of trust over the children. To have such relations with them violates that position of trust and leave children open to coercion, manipulation and abuse. A child who does not want such contact would feel compelled to give into a parents advances and would not feel secure in either their own body or their personal relationships. Some things are just wrong, religion or birth defects issue aside.
Best Drugstore Shampoos and Conditioners for relaxed hair? No Pantene.?
Your best bet is to buy products from shops that store African-American hair products as products that help relaxed hair maybe limited or not available at all in drug stores especially if the population demographics do not make it a lucrative market.Failing that then your next option will be online as Keracare or Mizani products will not be sold in many drug stores.Amazon is the safest option.
Call of duty 4 variety map pack backup?
when you buy the product of playstation store you should get a code. when you get the code just write it into microsoft word on the PC and save it. if your PS3 dies, which i doubt, you load it back up go on to account managment and choose redeem codes. then type in you code and it will automatically find your maps.
What are some model workout routines? (Pics)?
Try working out with Jack a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKCGe2Ezris" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKCGe2Ezr…/a comments welcome
This Biblical reference is in a novel I read, but which one!?
I'm not sure if this is the book you read, but the novel Lamb by Christopher Moore references this page at the end of chapter 26 (pg. 350-351). You can see a partial view of it at Google books. If you haven't read Lamb, I recommend it!
What is the difference between a state, country, nation, Constituent country and sovereign state??
A country is self explanetory, consisting of countyies. A state is part of a nation. A sovereing state was part of the british empire.
What is a brown leather hole?
My brother is always saying he loves the Brown leather hole when he is lovie dovie with his wife while she eats a cupcake but I dont know if its something i should he repeating I thought it was the cupcakes with the white cream inside (Little debbie snacks) Anyways when I said I wanted a brown leather hole They laughed at me when I said that So Does anyone know what a Brown Leather Hole really is?
Where would you rank the 2002 Sacramento Kings in today's Western Conference?
I think if they played last season, they would have been in a dog fight with the Lakers again for the division. If the Lakers had won the division they would have been a 5 seed since division winners get the top 4 places. Otherwise they would be a first seed. That was a great team with really strong players in their primes. Also, didn't Anthony Peeler play for them that year? Was that the year he hit KG in the face in a playoff game and got suspended, or was that 03?
Will upgrading credit card hurt my credit score?
I just had my secured credit card upgraded to an unsecured card. How long, if at all, will my credit score be effected?
Sunday, January 8, 2012
How can I power up my PowerMac G4 tower without the front power on?
I have a powermac G4 tower, but the only start thing is the finger sensitive pseudo-on on the front, is there another way to start the machine?
How to start a band...?
Well I don't get why you would even think of starting a band if neither of you guys can play instruments. No offense but use common sense.
Why does a Black Crow stand outside Above my Doorway?
Ok here is my question, for One I am not Superstitious. The reason I am saying this is because either in the morning, afternoon, or evening when my family and I are leaving to go to work, school or wherever this black crow would be standing right outside right above us not exactly on our roof top but across from our doorway from our duplex. Now the crow never bothered us it was just we would notice him standing there watching us. Some people say that he was protecting us or something like that I am not too sure what it meant. Can someone tell me what they possibly think that resembled about the black crow and all?
Who do you think will win the fight Between Barrera and Paquiao?
Hi I am a Filipino and a boxing fan. I have been a Barrera(mexican) fan long before Paqiuao(Filipino) even got famous. Whenever theres a fight featuring Pacman vs any foreign fighter, we, Filipinos would always make it seem like a battle between Philippines vs the world. Well most of us at least. It is in fights like these that I hear/ heard of some of the worst racial criticisms ever mentioned to my ears against a human being. I know that not all of us are like this but I am forever ashamed of my nationality because of what I heard. Why do we have do discriminate the other fighter when he is not fighting against a country but just against his opponent? We are not perfect ourselves. Its good to be prestigious but not in a way like this. This is a shout out to you all to please treat sport as a sport and not as a war. Cheer for your country men but please have respect to the sport. Thank you for your time.
A runtime error has occurred do you wish to debug line 114error unspecified error?
please can you help as ive have tryed everything and i dont no what it is so any suggestions would be gratful thankyou.
Will someone help me out? Chem teacher did not explain it to me!?
When 0.572 L of Ar at 1.20 atm and 227�C is mixed with 0.245 L of O2 at 501 torr and 127�C in a 400 mL flask at 27�C, what is the pressure in the flask?
Sprinters Physique? More weights or more sprinting?
what is the best way to achieve a sprinters physique. I currently lift M,W,F and do sprints on the off days. Monday chest and shoulders, Wednesday Back and Friday Legs. Should I be eating at maintenance or under to lose body fat. I am 5'10" male 25, 160 13% body fat. How can I get that lean muscular look. Thanks
Why can i sign in under yazak but not yahoo to yahoo chat rooms?
since the change of format to entering yahoo, i cannot enter yahoo rooms under yahoo nic but can under yazak. i enter aroom under yahoo follow the instruction and and am accepted and told to carry on chatting..but i still find just my nic and messenger in the box...yet on yazk it works. and no the rooms are not full. am i doing something wrong...hope to hear from someone...thanks
What do i do if my 2 yr old daughter found a maggot and put it in her mouth and spat it out? should i worry?..?
she found a maggot, put it in her mouth for like at least 10 seconds before i realized what it was, and then i took it out, and i was so upset, and scared, should i worry about this? it was just one maggot, and i was completely grossed out and upset at the same time because i didn't check what she was doing sooner....she gets into everything, and unfortunately found a maggot, i don't know where she found it, i looked everywhere in the kitchen, nothing.....anyone, please help if you can....
Paper recycling in the Philippines?
I have several (as in TONS) of papers - old magazines, old catalogs, books, leaflets that I would like to sell to a paper recycling plant do you know any paper recycling plant in the PHILIPPINES which buys these kind of items? because I figured it would be a waste to throw away or burn (harmful to ozone layer) these paper
Do you like hummus (I'm doing this lengthen the question)?
Usually I love hummus, but recently I got one with huge chunks of hot pepper in it and I gave it away to a friend because it was too spicy, and went thru me like Drano.
Is It Love?
I have been with a woman for 2.5 years. She is divorced with two kids, we met working at the same company as colleagues. We kept seperate apartments but still spent most nights together. This summer I relocated an hour away for a new job, she stayed put. Over the course of our relationship she has introduced me to her whole family. She has talked about marriage, and kids, and moving in together in the future. She has been by my side at all of my most troubling times these last 2 years. We have a very healthy relationship with a lot of love and affection. She has spent money on me Iv'e spent money on her and her children. However, her-ex husband is a screw-up and was recently incarcerated, and in this last year Iv'e found evidence of her helping him. She even told me she feels bad for him. I know he will be a part of our lives forever, but my thinking is cut all ties except for the kids. Do any other women go through this? Does she truly love me, and just feels bad for his sorry ?
Thoughts on Brody?
what are your thoughts on this name? DH is pushing for it. i am not so sure how about middle names. last name is starling. I would love to name him something longer and use brody for short because it sounds like a nickname to me, but i don't know what it could be.
What gets you motivated to do some serious cleaning when you have the WHOLE house to yourself?
You are the epitome of cute, sweetface. I just adore you! I don't really have anyone at my house either, but Im motivated to clean, because my cat will be sad if I don't.
Are all resorts beach based? Any suggestions for beautiful places (not in the US) to visit?
I would suggest the US or British Virgin Islands. You can snorkel if you want, but otherwise just sit on the shore and enjoy the beauty of the turquoise water.
Should i stay in relationship? how do you know if your happy enough?
so m eand ny boyfriend have been together for about 5 months. im 16 and hes almost 18. and i dunno.. like sometimes i feel REALLY happy with him, and love being with him, but like when we are around people hes not very talkative and lively then and its not my thing. im perky. i love him so so much, but its like most the time im wondering what else is out there/ hes serisouly the perfect guy.sometimes im a happy camper but alot of the times i just dont feel like hes the guy for me? is that just casue ima 16 year old girl? or is it casue i know hes not the one? but how do i know if i should stay with him? what is the deciding factors in your relasionthip to stay together? and tellme relationship advice you have if any! thank so much!
Do you stop to read the signs?
Heck, if it's one-hydrant little ghost town, that's one thing. But if it's a one-hydrant little ghost town that Elvis once stopped in to gas up and nosh a nanner sandwich, then that's a whole new kettle of walleyed pike, no?
Those reincarnation really happens?? and if there's really is--how can i know who is really the one for me??
im just kinda curious whats really the point of life--- why we have to live just to die afterwards-- to be brought out to the world and afterwards die--- and why do we have a religion and believing that theres still life after death--- if theres is really--- why do we need to suffer and be reincarnated again--- to be born as another person in a different time and dimension?? well im just wondering---
How would I go about getting a pic of this girl for her haircut? On Videogame awards this wkend...Help!?
Did anyone watch the Videogame awards this weekend....... I have no idea what channel it was on. I flipped thru, and saw the intial announcer. Some asian chick, that was stating that she loved all the new gaming systems, didnt have a favorite........anyway. She has this GREAT haircut that I want. It's an angled bob, but it's a long angled bob, and I want a picture of it, because if the retards in the hair salon get it wrong per just waht I SAY I want, which they often get wrong, I want a picture that shows it.........How would I get this picture? Help.
Isn't it kind of disheartening when....?
I agree it is very disheartening - just like surly service in shops and restaurants. I mean, you are SPENDING MONEY here!
If Indians, Russians, Israelis, Phillipinos, Thais, (etc) all submitt to Islamic demands will terror end?
No because people will still be terrified of what will happen if they disagree. There will always be some hold outs who must rebel.
I can't stop thinking about him sorri for keep going on, boyfriend keeps taking photos?
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Aj80qlTTA1zyuCxqJ77CMpTty6IX?qid=20070602003541AAv5j4Z I'm sorry to keep on going on about this but I jus don't know what to do. is this ordinary for boys or is he reli perverted, all i can do is think of him and his personality, and i think he loves me. does ny1 have msn so i can talk 1:1 wiv them mine is rosesweetdreams@hotmail.co.uk, im reli confused :s,
Should I go to Ohio State or University of Illinois for undergrad? I got into aerospace engineering at both.?
I know several people who did aerospace engineering at Ohio State and loved it. I can tell you from experience that you will NOT go home often if you are seven hours away, so if that's something you want to do, the closer option is probably best. Beyond that, both schools are very good choices, so pick the one whose campus felt the most like home. Good luck!
Mp3 input for my car?
i have a 2007 hummer 3 and the car doesnt have an auxiliary input to plug my ipod in. i really want to install an auxiliary thing into my car but i dont know where to buy it. where can i buy this part? have any other hummer 3 owners done this? how much did the piece and the installation cost? thank you
How do we punish uninsured motorist who cause an accident resulting in injury or death ?
I was struck on my motorcycle by an unisured motorist that ran a stop sign, breaking a total of 9 bones, I've had 4 operations and I still have 1 more to go. My bills have hit over $ 300,000 the woman that hit me got less than a $1000 in fines and is already driving again. I think it should be a $ 2000 dollar fine and they lose their auto to be sold at auction and drivers license for a year. The fine and money gained from the sale of their car should go into a fund to pay the victim's. Once they are hit with a fine and loss of their car and license maybe they will think twice about getting behind the wheel and not having insurance. Because let's face it, if you can't afford insurance you cant afford to drive.
Why did the US overthrow Allende and install Pinochet?
Why would the US overthrow a democratically elected, popular leader and then install a ruthless Dictator?
Do you think that the Texas Longhorns will win against the Texas A&M Aggies?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of each football team? I understand that the Longhorns have a very good player named McCoy but what are some of their weaknesses and what are the strengths/weaknesses of the Aggies?
Bedtime help with two children under two?
I have a 21 month old and an 11 week old baby and have to cope with bedtimes on my own as my husbands works away alot. Most of the time I cope really well but bedtime is a nightmare! After establishing a great bedtime with the 21 month old - he was fantastic at going to bed without any fuss (routine that never failed 9/10 with calm bath/ milk/ story etc) the baby now needs feeding/ calming at the same time as my toddler usually resulting in both very unhappy and me frazzled as a baby crying isn't the greatest bedtime for the 21 month old which happens if I feed him first or after - just wondering if anyone else has any advice on how they accomplished this? I've tried feeding whilst telling a story to my toddler in our bed and then transferring him to his cot but this was even more problematic. Both children want to sleep at 7pm and will quite happily be put to bed if there are two of us coping with two of them and will sleep all night with no problems till 7am - its just when I'm on my own at bedtimes- any advice???
Ummmm.....help please?
In the event you meant "countess" instead of "accountice," Germany doesn't have nobility anymore. Someone's told you a story.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
I like to use pads to make diapers? Normal?
I'm 14 and I just hate asking to go to the bathroom during school (I just started 9th grade). It's so awkward and the school bathrooms are disgusting. So I just take about 5-6 giants pads and make them into a diaper by sticking them throughout my underwear. I also put a few liners around the edges to protect against leakage. So if I have to go to the bathroom... I just go. I've done this a few times and it works very well. Nobody seems to notice. Does anyone else do this?
I was coughing hard and felt a ripping sensation deep in my rectum. Have had pain since any idea what it is?
The pain is deep inside and it just about kills me to have a bowel movement. I haven't noticed any blood or anything from there, so I don't know if I should be worried or let it heal itself. I don't have insurance so that is why I haven't been to a Dr. It also hurts if I sit a certain way.
History lovers I need your help?
why did interactions between the settlers of various English colonies and Indians very so much? That is, why did the settlers of Jamestown have such a different relationship with Natives than did Puritans in New England? How did these two compare with the Quakers in Pennsylvania ? In considering your answer, Discuss Religion, trade, warfare, and the purpose of each colony.
Most shocking moment in Marvel history?
Was it the death of Gwen Stacy, Jean Grey, or Steve Rodgers? Or perhaps Magneto tearing the adamantium from Wolverines bones? Or some thing else. Let me know what you think.
Meaning behind Peaches by Busted?
You live in a very secure place or very young to really know the meaning. The small of it is that peaches is a metaphor for the .
Do you believe in "hell" as it is described in the Bible?
I am very spiritual but claim no religious affiliation. I have always had a problem with the Christian concept of "hell". Does it make sense that a God would create human beings, knowing they are imperfect, and expecting to cast large numbers of them into the depths of hell when they mess up? Does he/she/it not have any forgiveness itself? And what about all of the people who lived before Christ - do they all go to hell because they had the misfortune of being born before he was? If you apply some logic and rationality to all this, it seems to me that either God is not God, but an imperfect, jealous, wrathful being, OR that there is no hell in the sense that the Christian churches describe. What do you think?
What do you think of these lyrics I wroteeee?
wow, this is really good. you should really write music to this and make it a real song. i for sure would put it on my ipod
This is getting pretty routine isn't it?
Strange isn't ? Clinton was supposed to be so ineffective and Bush so powerful, but the Republicans still claim that Clinton's influence is still overriding Bush's seven years after Clinton's term ended.
How to reduce video size?
i have 3 seasons of ncis on dvd thats 70 eps and i would like to transfer atleast some of them on to my psp how can i reduce the video quality to fit the screen? any programs? note: $0 budget
Need to earn...find...loan 1-2,000 dollars. Help!?
So my fiance and I have been looking for a home form months now. The only way we can get 100% financing is through a rural mortgage. Which means it needs to be in a city with a population of 10,000 or less. Unfortunatly our city is HUGE. There are some suburbs but they are 20 minutes to 30 minutes drive which it not what we want. We recently found a home in our city in our price range that we fell in love with. We can get a mortgage but itn has to have 3% down, which is about 4,000 dollars. We can probably come up with 2,000 but we don't know where to look the get the money. I don't know if we can take out a small loan for that. Plus we wouldn't have collateral. (sp?). His one car that is payed off it collateral for his truck and my car is blue booked at only 1,000. So I don't think they will accept that. Any ideas??? Family is too broke to help out also.
What does this word mean?!? meta....?
my 8th grade social studies teacher wants us to know what metacognate stands for plz answer and give me a source
What is psychologically wrong with this person?
there is this person I know that hangs out with a bunch of ppl we'll call him Greg. Greg has very odd behavior at times, he is fairly nice guy but is considered very odd. Sometimes when at someones house you will see him peeking around going into rooms that he has no reason being in and when asked why he is there makes up some dumb excuse however he seems innocent enough, like you don't want to get mad at him cause he jsut seems a little off you know, but he mostly is nosey and really quiet about it. Also has been known to sleep at his friends bedroom door however, claimed he was drunk and ped out cause it was a party that night but he hadn't drank much only like 2 beers, he just does some really odd things and when confronted on them seems really confused it's really weird. There is definitely something wrong with him I am just wondering wht it could be. He also loves doing things alone like going to concerts and well basically places that most ppl would want to go with others
Does our fingers have names?
Besides those there aren't really other ways to say them without getting scientific. Pinkie, thumb, index, middle, and ring finger are how we say the fingers here.
Is Hawkings latest book, 'the Grand News', what Atheists have been waiting for?
I remember reading things similar to this back in the 1980s by Paul Davies, in a book "God and the New Physics" -- he wrote a number of books that were well grounded scientifically and interesting to read. I haven't read Hawkings' latest, but I wonder if it is in fact all that groundbreaking, or it is a popularization of things that have been discussed in theoretical physics and astrophysics circles for some time now.
What's the point of continuing to fight in Iraq?
Wasn't our main thing to get rid of Saddam and now that we did that, why are we still there. North Korea has more WMD's than does Iraq. Plus, Iraq as a 73 billion dollar surplus!! So why are we still fighting?
What happens when you have a crush on a guy 3 years younger than you, and not taller than you? PLEASE HELP.?
LOL. The same thing happened to me and you know what happened? I married him! He was the best thing that happened to me. We've been married for 13 years now and have a son. He's 3 inches shorter than me and 3 years younger. At first it was a bit to get used to but I tell you honey, today when I see my man, he'll always be 10 feet tall in my eyes! He's the love of my life! Never let the physical get in your way!
Help with education, I'm going crazy?
continued 55.) Which sentence in correctly punctuated? a.) In connection with the tax cut of last year, we are now studying, its impact on middle-income families. b.) Now is the time for all good men, and women to come to the aid of their country. c.) Although the impact on humans is not clear, comput-national problem. (this was my answer) 56.) Which sentence is correctly punctuated? a.) Areas neglected by investors in recent years include real estate and investments in the energy sector. b.) These may not seem as exciting as they did in the past but maybe that's the time to do a little buying. c.) Previous to Webster's complete two-volume edition he had compiled three shorter and incomplete versions. 62.) Harbor Office Supply (note the new address) has ordered ten HP calculators. a.)correctly punctuated b.)replace( ) with -- c.)add , after ORDERED d.)add , after DALLAS and after TEN
Is people with Leukemia the closest thing to vampires?
Well it is a disease of the blood, so maybe you are close, but i think people with bad cases of anaemia would be more like it. they are extremely pale and need mive amounts of iron everyday. one lady i worked with had to put raw liver in a blender and drink it, that seems more vampirish to me
My dogs getting put to sleep?
i hav a american eskimo and had a lg. haard part on the stomah and might get to be put to sleep...wat might it be?
As a function of the Yahoo Answers seas, what best describes you?
Flotsam, jetsam, dolphin, drowning, turtle, ripple, wave, tsunami, krill, shark bait, oil slick, Portuguese man-of-war, shark food or other.
LAN card driver issues?
a href="http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=6&PFid=6&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3" rel="nofollow"http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/down…/a
PLEASE PLEASE!!! HELP ME! does ANYONE know a journalist???
guys, i need to find a journalist. i have a vocational paper report due in a week and i have to do an interview with a journalist and its due MONDAY!! i dont have very long and i dont have time to go out and find a journalist so if there is ANYONE you know that is a journalist PLEASE HELP ME this is worth TWO TEST GRADES and i am a junior so IT COUNTS!! my teacher said i could do it over email so all they would have to do is answer like ten questions about their job. please!!
Runescape Video Ideas? o.o?
I want to do some kind of rs video (not a rsmv cuz you see those WAAAAY too much) however, if you have any ideas and what not I'd like to hear them.. I really want to make actual rs movies XD like horror movie, or sappy love story <.<, or something.. :x.. ya.. or you could tell me ideas on rs.. when I'm on ofc.. but I'm barely on, but you can add me (sockkitten) anywho! please and thank you. (Indeed I'm a noob :3)
Friday, January 6, 2012
What are some really good rock/alternative bands?
I listen to bands like Cute is what we aim for, Flyleaf, Boys like girls, Paramore Secondhand Serenade. Also if theirs some really good songs you could put that down
Some advice please...?
We if she is ur best friend & u tell her she may not belive u and she may think that u are tryin to break her and her boyfriend up, so its reallly your choice because if u keep it to urself maybe it was just a one time thing for her boyfrined maybe he won't do it agian, but if he does and u don't feel comfatable with it then u need to tell ur bestie maybe she can work it out with him or sumthing , but as i said before its ur choice....
Getting pointy ears for grappling a lot?
Hi, I am a Jiu Jitsu grappler and one of my friends said that you get pointy ears when you have been grappling a lot. I know it sounds kind of stupid, but I have looked at pictures of like famous grapplers like Royce Gracie and they have really pointy ears. So I just wanted to know if this is true.
Atheists tell me something?
That is a gross generalization, and it's untrue. Not every Christian is making a concerted effort to relieve world suffering, either If they were, by shear numbers alone, we would live in a paradise Eden-like world. And as you point out, we don't. Just because you claim to worship a god, does not automatically make you a great person, or even a good one. I, myself, am incapable of transforming the world, although there are several local charities, both secular and religious, that are grateful for what little help I throw their way. Yes, everybody, both believer and non-believer, could do more, but a lot of us on both sides of the issue, don't. It is unfair and untrue to label one side or the other uncharitable or more charitable than the other. RAmen.
(BRAIN BUSTER) Your portable stereo requires 10 size....?
D batteries. You have $25 to spend on 5 packages of 2 batteries each and would like to maximize your battery power. Each regular package of batteries costs $4.25 and each alkaline package of batteries costs $5.50 (because alkaline batteries last longer). How many packages of each type of battery should you buy? Use a verbal model to write and solve a system of linear equations!
Ford F150 Overheats and Engine Codes?
Did you replace your thermostat? If so, how is your Catylitic converter? Do you lose power when accellerating? A clogged converter will cause overheating/ Start by changing your thermostat and flushing the system. Then replace with a proper antifreeze mix.If no help check for clogged converters.
Titrations procedure?
Outline a titration procedure for determining the exact concentration of the aqueous nitric acid. ume that aqueous sodium cabonate, of concentration 0.500 mol dm-3 is available. You may ume that any chemicals nornally found are available.
What if a very beautiful and captivating girl appears in ur meditation n It is getting difficult to think else?
Why then focus your meditative self on the girl. Ask her what is she doing in your subconscious. Find out what it is she represents to your mind. Once you know what she represents, focus your meditative mind on that, and ask it why it wants to disturb your concentration, why it wants to keep you from being present in the moment. In other words, talk to yourself and ask you why you are willing to cause further separation between you and your goals.
If i was to go to newcastle college could i loose my course if i was homeless?
i was attending newcastle college and i was kicked off my course because i was homeless. this man called duncan thomas said that he thought that this course was unsuitable for me although i was told that it was when i enroled.what should ido.
Smith & Wesson M&P 40 sights?
I want to upgrade my sights. I am not real happy with the stock sights. I like the Glock sights much better. Does anyone have any ideas on what sights I should put on my M&P.40
Anyone know about hemoglobin or hematocrit levels?
I'm a 27 year old woman and II went to the doctor the other day and was told that I'm anemic. He said it wasn't bad enough for a blood transfusion but it was still pretty low. My HGB is 8.7 my HCT is 27.9 my RBC is 3.43 How much lower would any of these have to be in order to have a blood transfusion? I don't want that to happen I'm a little nervous....I started taking iron pills for about 2 days now.
What is the best way to store boots away for the summer?
This year I finally invested in three very nice pairs of boots. It gets VERY hot and humid where I live, even with the AC running. Wont even mention the bugs, etc. How do I keep my precious footwear safe and fresh until September?
what is Rahul'sVirusProtection.vbe? is it a virus? my computer though having regularly updated avg internet security 2010, yet is having this file in 'c:/windows/system32' folder and also generating 'autorun.inf' file both in computer and pen-drive. how to get rid of them? is avg incapable to detect and remove the files, if they are viruses?
What kind of imaginative work do i do in a writing area of a 3-5 nursery??
The children have learned to write their names whilst being in this area but is there any way i could extend on this??? please help
Can God forgive or would God forgive if.............?
You can tell your friend that God can and will forgive anything and everything that he is sincerely sorry for. There is no wrongdoing devised by man that God cannot forgive. Thanks for asking.
Looking for title & artist of an OLD blues song.?
I really do not know..I am going to try and guess...could it be..Jr. Wells? Or Charlie Musslewhite. They may have been on this song..wish I could help more...really when you said talking,..I thought of John Lee Hooker..he talked alot in songs..he did have great harmonica on the hooker&heat album but that was the 60's//wish I was more help.
Help me please thank you?
If you must you can google all of these items to get the answers. It is academic fraud for us to do you homework. The point of you having the ignment is to learn something, not to have someone else do it for you.
Sleep paralysis help?
ok lately ive been having sleep paralysis frequently..my family doctor says that is due to stress but lately when i take a nap during the day i get in the state where my body is paralyzed and i hate that feeling..no matter what i cant get used to it..should i see a specialist or does it wear off?? i dont have money to be seeing a specialist but if its something really serious i need to know if it is..i read online that is really not but i want to know from real people's experiences with this. By the way i dont get hallucinations when im in the state of REM but the first time it happened to me i would hear a loud humming noise but not no more..all i get is a scary panicky feeling not being able to move my body.
Who should i drop when Kazmir comes back?
I am not sure. You got a ton of pitchers, so I would dismiss dropping any bats. Cueto is falling off but he will still help with the k's I guess. I think Soriano will be fine when he gets back but who knows. I would look at Acosta and fuentes.
What specific spices did the spaniards find in the philippines ?
it is common knowledge that the spaniards came to the philippines in search of spices and other raw materials. what materials and spices were those exactly ?
How do i 4get about him?, i love him but he'l never go out wiv me?
hes fit, funny and a really nice confident guy but hes so out my league and its really depressing me. i need to move on but how (he knows i fancy him)
Heater suddenly not working in my car?
he may have done several things it sounds like he removed the thurmostat or youe co;ant is low i would get it checked before you drive it the rear window thing probally isnt related check to see if the wires are still attached to the gless
I've got 3 felony charges at the same time?
breaking and entering / 2 felony charges of poss. of over $1000 DOLLARS worth of stolen stuff and do u think i can get them to dropped to mistermentors or if not then how long would i have to serve
On svr 2011 on the wii can you get out of the hell in a cell cage?
i bought svr 2011 on the wii but i cant get out of the hell in a cell cage but in the guide in the game package is said its possible can anyone help me
What does ####### Pants mean?
ive never seen that before....the load of number signs that is...if its supposed to be an actual word that your censoring, type it with like spaces between the letters, or a hyphen so we actually know what your talking about...because im goth and those #### mean nothing to me...and there are several words i can think of with that many letters, none of them make much sense when talking about pants.
California travel tips?
I'm going back to cali with my GF who's never been there. i have a place to stay in the bay and we have 30days. we'll hit all the stuff in SF, Berk and Oak for maybe 1 week. Then see muir woods, napa/wine country, maybe monterey aquarium, maybe carmel, big sur, maybe yosemite, maybe tahoe. anything major i'm missing?
Accounting Problems.. Please Help Me?
If it was 1 or 2 questions, I'd answer them for you. But I'm not going to do your homework ignment for you.
What would you do?
My stepdaughter has a history of stealing and dishonesty.She is 21. She had a baby last March. She is living with us.. I am unemployed due to physical limitations. She has not worked since Feb. She is in a relationship with the father of the baby and they are planning to move in together. She says that they both want to wait until she gets a job. Her boyfriend does not want her to go back to work at her previous job because of the hours. While she searches for a job she is here. We live in a rural area and jobs are few. She is getting WIC and foodstamps. We have used the foodstamps to buy groceries once but there was about $100.00.. I ask her today, after she had spent the weekend with her boyfriend (who has a good job) for the the food stamp card to buy a few things at the store. Not intending to use all of the money left. She said that she could not find it. She left. I looked in the top of her closet and it was there. I called the number and no money is left on the card.
Is American Montessori Insititute, Karachi PK diploma for teaching recognised in Canada?
I have been told by many to do this course since i am very fluent with english (american background) and also have the time but i do plan on moving to canada next year, if i complete the course and earn my Diploma from AMI,Karachi is that recognised there? and if it is/isnt could i do a "some-duration" course there to get it equivelent?
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Any composers like giacinto scelsi, Toru Takemitsu, bela bartok or gy ligeti?
i'm really looking for some composers that are similar to giacinto scelsi and gy ligeti. kind of atonal drone music abit like Toru Takemitsu or bela bartok? does anyone know of any i might like?
What does he mean by this?need serious help!!?
well..it's almost a month since we broke up,n we broke up because he told that he doesn't feel that i understand him n i felt the same too ,he wanted to go on a break but i refused n told him it's over,w didn't talk for like a week but now we talk like every day on msn n i see him a lot but he says nth i just act like he is just a friend ,buy when i talk or laugh or flirt with any guy he keeps looking at me n he gets jealous ,n he tells me he misses me ,but he never said he wants me back,,do u think he still loves me? how can i get him back?
MARINOL! Did someone know abot this medication and if i have a drug test will be positive like i use marihuana
I woul like to know possibles side effects on long term i just have like 3 months on this and i don't used everyday cause i already use Xanax on a daily basic and i'm i lil bit scare to get hooked with those meds.Really need to know.Thanks on advance.
Do British people like American accents?
I'm an American, and I really love British accents, and most poeple I know do too. I always wondered though if British people like American accents though. I'm not talking about a hill billy accent or anything like that, just a typical American accent. I know if varies a little but you get the gist.
How does premarital affairs matter?
Women only. Do you rate the performance (ofcourse ) ,size etc of your present husband / friend with your past acquaintance and flings? Or do you take the moral stance of Love and commitment conquering the other inadequacies? Honest opinions please!
Do you believe RNs should get the same salary as LPNs?
Yes you should get a new job that is ridiculous. RNs are more trained therefore are entitled to more pay.
Problem solving ---angle measurement? --urgent?
windshield wipers. the top and bottom ends of a windshield wiper blade are 34 in and 14 in from the pivot point,respectively.while in operation the wiper sweeps through 135 degree . find the area swept by the blade
Is it normal to not see heartbeat at 7 weeks pregnant?
If you are obese, then yes it could be normal since extra fat makes it more difficult for the ultrasound scan to show the picture, but if your not obese, than I'm sorry it's not normal.
How do I fight a failure to yield at a red light when the police officer himself was the "red light"?
Ok this may seem a little weird, but one day as I was driving home from school( in the U.S.) and came upon an intersection complete with a pedestrian crosswalk. A police officer was just getting out of his car that was parked on the side of the road and proceeded to raise his hand to stop my lane of traffic(I was in the right lane). I stopped of course and watched as he continued walking along the crosswalk stopping traffic as he went. Unfortunately, I thought that he was trying to cross the street using the crosswalk for some reason, so after he reached the other side, I noticed the light was still green and decided to proceed. It was only a few minutes later that the officer pulled me over. He came up to me and told me he was holding up traffic because of some "people" that were nearby, though he didn't really elaborate on it. I ume there was someone about to cross on the crosswalk that he was holding the traffic up for, though I saw no one but the officer in the road at the time of my ping. He then likened my offense to running a red light and ticketed me $185 with a court date. Now I know technically I did p through the intersection after he stopped traffic but I honestly did not know that was what he wanted drivers to do. So basically, what should I do in court? I believe I didn't really do anything wrong since I didn't endanger anyone (no one was in the road) and the officer wasn't really clear with his intentions for holding up traffic for these "people". Should I plead guilt, not guilty or give an explanation and hope the judge takes pity on me? Thanks for anyone who answers my questions.
The best exercise to lose fat and tone up?!?
I am soon to join they gym, but Im doing it mainly to tone up. I feel that my muscles in my legs and stomach are starting to slouch and look like fat, when in fact they just need to be toned up. So what sort of exercise program should I go on, and what machines should I use. I need to lose about 5kgs as well.
How to keep food fresh when camping in summer?
Canned food is never a worry, but other food that I want to bring - oranges/bananas/bread/dry cereal - these things can be kept well for a while without a refrigerator, but surely they would go bad/yucky in heat (temp can sometimes rise here to 100 F, but that's a freak day, usually summer 80-90. Still, that's pretty hot, and I'd like to camp for several days. The car is even worse because heat builds up with the gl (and it's black). I had an idea to dig a hole and make an improvised 'storage pantry' - in the ground, in a shady area. Just dig like a foot or two down, wide enough for the food and keep it covered with a improvised wooden cover - would that work? Or does the earth absorb a lot of heat? Of course I could just check by burying a thermometer and checking it after a while. What do you guys and gals think of the idea? Or do you have a better solution? (using coolers and ice bags isn't really an option either, it would only last for a bit, and I want to make a rather long trip)
When do you feel completely back to normal after a tonsillectomy?
I got mine out December 15th and I felt completely back to normal maybe a week or so after New Years! Worst recovery of my life!
How can I get my boyfriend to be more commanding in the bed room?
My boyfriend was a virgin when I met him so he has never really had be aggressive in a relationship before. Now I always have to make the moves and be the one to initiate things. I don't mind being aggressive, I Actually enjoy it, but I would like him to take control every once and awhile. We've talked about it and it seems because he's never been a flirty guy he doesn't know how to be aggressive. He says he's not very imaginative and can never think of anything. Also he's not really into making out and just wants to have and p out. How can I get him to enjoy making out as much as I do and how can I help him get ideas for moves he could make on me that we both enjoy. Any tips on movies with good scenes would be of helpful too.
My best friend is just getting so annoying to me?
Well.... I had that problem before.. N the best thing to do is to avoids him and hang with other ppl ...if he sees u with other people he might realize that he needs to change ....
Is it weird that Im a guy who likes Brittney spears music?
I'm a heteroual all American 20 year old football watching man. But I've always liked that song by Brittney spears called oops I did it again. I've liked it since it came out and my friends always make fun of me for it. I also like her song called crazy. Idk why but I just love those songs. I also like a few nsync and backstreet boys songs. Lol I'm not gay or anything I just have a weird liking for these songs and Im an avid hip hop and rock fan. I just want to know what you guys think
Is Carlos Zambrano the worst Starting Pitcher in MLB History?
One bad start doesn't make a pitcher a bad one. In the middle of your senseless rant, you failed to realize Zambrano in fact HAS won more than 15 games in a season more than once AND there are worse teams than the Cubs. You simply refuse to acknowledge these facts so you have an excuse to whine and moan about how much Carlos Zambrano sucks when there is no basis for any of it.
Do you pout when you don't get your way?
Maybe as a toddler or a young child. I'm old enough now to accept that the world doesn't revolve around me.
Should I stay for the kids or follow my heart?
I am married with a great man. He is everything I wanted. Great father and great husband, the only problem is...I'm not in love with him anymore. I am used to him. I tried to rekindle my marriage but it didnt work. I kept thinking about him. 3 mo. ago, I met up with a guy that I went to high school with. In high school, we were completely in different crowds and didnt hook up. But now, we have so many things in common. The only thing is...he is in a rocky relationship and they have a 5 month old baby and I am married with 2 beautiful girls. I want to leave and he says he wants to leave. The feelings I have for him are undescribable and I am sure he feels the same way. He says he is waiting for me to file the papers before he leaves his girlfriend. Should I believe him? Do you think I should stay with my husband for my kids? I know what I am doing is wrong and I know at some point, karma will kick me in my ***. But I cant help how I feel about him. What should I do?
Why is there so much affirmative action in this health care bill?
Why are you surprised when Obama said that he was against reparations because they didn't go far enough.
Which are the top Unis for Ciminology in the UK?
Ive been looking at different unis to apply for Criminology, So far im interested in Brighton, Kingston, Kent, leicester , Greenwich anyone know anything about these Unis which might help me, or any other good unis for this course?
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Should i tell him i still like him?
Me an this guy had our thing goin on for like 2 months he told me he liked me and i liked him too.We went 2 prom 2gether n we were basucally kinda datin.he asked me to be his gf and i didnt say anything so he probably got the wrong idea. Days later he started dating a girl n txt me just tell me that. I have a feeling he might still like me ,cuz i still like him!
Why is the United States still at war with Iraq?
Ah, I can see the answers already. "Encyclopedia Britannica is the voice of the liberal agenda."
Why do aids patients get more funds than other diseases
No one is giving free chemotherapy for cancer or paying for heart medications. As far as discrimination the only discrimination is by insurance companies
I smoked cigs without the filter, how can help my lungs?
help! my lungs hurt. i was at a party and we all decided to roll a joint with a cig. i directly inhaled and now every time i breath in deeply it hurts and i start coughing. is there anything i can do to help this or fix it?
Is the Rachmaninov Prelude in g minor doable for me?
Of course! It'll be difficult but you should definitely give it a try. You've already done quite demanding pieces, so you already know all it takes is practice ;)
Candice Michelle to be released?
She hasn't been in the ring since No Mercy and also did anyone else see those pictures of her where she's looking really fat?
Any natural bug-killing sprays?
I have two cats in a small apartment, and I don't want to spray something toxic that they may lick up when I'm trying to eliminate flying insects. Personally, I use Pam cooking spray to down flies and other large bugs. The canola oil sticks their wings together, and the other ingredient must be doing something because they all die in less than a minute. However, I'm left with an oily wall or ceiling.
Problem opening "My Computer " in Windows XP?
Every time I click on "My Computer" , whether it is from the Start Menu, my Desktop, or even trying to browse through it when opening a file in a program; every time I do it, an error screen pops up, saying " Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." It then gives me three options: Debug, Don't Send, or Send (meaning the error report). No matter what I do, after I click something, explorer.exe closes down and I am left with just my desktop picture. After a few seconds it recovers and pops back up, like nothing ever happened. I am at a loss as to what the cause of this is. Using My Computer is a necessity for me, and I would really appreciate it if you could help me get out of this jam. Thanks a million!
Is Charles Barkley more diplomatic than Condi Rice? Could he negotiate deals?
I like the guy even when he insults me. He gives you that smile and you know he is just B.S. ing. Condi has gotten us no deals.
Hating my parents?
Nothing worst than a parent who isn't showing feelings towards their children. I am sorry for your situation. Why does she say you stink? I would ask a trusted friend to smell you and see what they say. She sounds insecure to me. Do your best for the time being and seems as if you are. What choice do you have. You are 17 and you sound mature and will continue to grow and be a well rounded young man. Just make sure this chapter in your life will be looked upon as an experience that you leave behind without harboring bitterness. Let the past be the past in other words and look forward to achieving your goal.
Is anyone else appalled at NBC for showing the Virgina Tech killer's video ?
So its not okay to show this but its okay for people to make money off of 9-11 (movie) and the other school shooting (movie or short TV show)?
Republicans, since Patriotic Americans are so Tolerant to other people regardless of their race, their...?
They're not tolerant at all.. I rarely even see them try to make that argument.. they're obviously clearly bigoted against s, openly, and the bigotry against minorities is just slightly more veiled for many of them... Martin Luther King definitely would have become a Democrat after the Southern Democrats left the party and became Republicans... modern-day Republicans are the exact same political ideology he was struggling against.
What is this copy right infringement e- mail I got ? ?
Do NOT reply to this. you have given no information on the email address it came from, and you would need to show the full headers of this email to an authority abuse department to ensure it is genuine. it is possibly a scam to get you to give away personal information. This is a warning about posting the file, not downloading it. Unless somebody else on your connection has done this, it either has not happened, or if you have a wireless connection, it is not secured and somebody has used it to post such a file. If this is the case you should NEVER use unencrypted wireless. Contact the abuse department of your ISP, ask them to check this out.
Let's go! I'd like to hear the Pro-Gun side of the issue, any takers?
I don't believe they should make owning a gun illegal if that's what you mean. It's true, guns don't kill people, people do!
Hi, Are you good at answering questions about???....?
computers, software, tv, movies, dvds, cds, burning software, and just about anything conected to it. i need you for my site, addy in profile, become an administrator.
When fullness remain even if you take something out of it. Do you accept this? your views on this theory?
It is said in philosophy, when you take something from fullness, no alteration in the fullness is felt. What is your considered opinion about this theory. Worldly materials dimnish after you take some thing out. Hence in what context you may consider that fullness will ever remain full?
"IF" this is what the Bible were to say, would you still believe and love God?
Uh, are you referring to the satanic verses? Cause the God I worship is love, not horrid and atrocious, that is the opposite, therefore i must conclude the question is would i worship satan, HELL NOYES>YES to the power of infinity!!!
My period has lasted for about 10 days, what is wrong?
It is very light but persistent and hasn't even browned yet. I have never been on birth control and I'm not on it now. I don't know if it's stress or something more serious. I'm 18 and have had my period for 3 years. It has always come every month for about 5-7 days and is always moderate blood. I am at a perfect weight and am pretty active. I have a healthy life, no stds but haven't checked for pregnancy. I doubt I am, considering the lengthened period.
Would it be rude of me to ask friends or relatives too?!?
Take off there shoes upon entering our apartment?. My son will be 7 months at the end of dec. He's been scooting acrossed the bed and lunging forward. I want to lay him on the floor so he can practice for crawling etc. So after christmas and we steam clean our carpets really well. I do try to not wear mine in the house all the time. I usually wear house slippers around. I think it would also be alot easier to keep them vacuumed. What do other parents out there think?
Do you think Jay Leno...?
can actually discard the statement he said that it was tough to attack Obama since he was serious and did less mistakes compared to Bush. With his cabinet picks and pork stimulating bill he sure gave him a gun fully loaded.
How many rings do you think these players end up with?
i think that kobe will go out with 8 or 7 championship rings by the time he retires with the lakers at least doing another 2 peat..(;
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Defecation: How to do it quickly, easily, efficiently, and as clean as possible? Not getting useful advice....?
I think you are developing an obsession and that is more in the mental health category, if it continues. What is considered normal, is a bowel movement every four days to several times a day, depending on the individual. Most go once a day. If the stool is proper consistency, it forms into "logs", basically, and doesn't leave much feces behind. Adjustments in dietary fiber or using a stool softener affects that. For wiping, I have a few friends who use baby wipes or moistened towelettes to get extra clean. But you are at risk of damaging yourself if you continue these obsessive habits, and that would cause much more trouble then you have now with feces! Hope this helps, but if you find you are still sooo focused on this, you may need to see a mental health specialist.
Filed a SAPCR suit and had a temporary order in place, let drop 2 yr for want prosecute do I file in new court?
WE live in Texas. My husband & I filed a SAP CR suit in Bell county and a temporary order was granted in 08/2005. We left our daughter as Joint managing conservator with us having right to choose residence The father was absent in child's life and continues to be. We know we have to notify him of a new SAPCR and will have him served, he signed a waiver agreeing to previous order.. In 07/2007 we let the order dismiss for want prosecute, she was doing well, married, had a new child and no longer on drugs. We moved to Brazos county when the first order was filed. We had to file where we had lived the previous 6 months and where she continues to reside. She had a new drug poss charge in 05/2010 which she is on probation for now,.On 02/15/2011 she was arrested and charged with 3 drug poss charges so this is now her 3rd offense and also a case has been filed with DFPS because she had her daughter present. DFPS placed her with us.The child the temporary order involved has continued to live with us, we had a power of attorney over him, but with DFPS involvement we know we need to file a SAPCR suit again so that we can protect him from being made a part of their case and possibly removed from us if she does not comply with their demands. Since the other order was dismissed, do I need to file in the original court and ask for a case transfer or do I just file in Brazos county and state there was a temporary order that we let dismiss and include a copy of our court order? Any help would be appreciated as we really need to file this case pro se since we do not have the $7,000.00 needed for attorney fees since we are now responsible for both kids financially and probably will be for the next year or two.She will probably do at least a year in jail over this. Her probation's of course being revoked and she will sit in jail until she bonds out or goes to trial. Her husband is in Army and in Iraq until June or July and we are not sure what DFPS does when he returns if they give him his child or possibly could give him both since he is step parent, another reason to obtain a new court order concerning our grand son.
Those three Jewish boys & Divine Truth NOW would not serve or worship the Babylon King's gods of demons, why?
The date for the Lord’s Evening Meal this year is April 9, 2009, School listings show for the Lord’s Evening Meal only lists Jehovah’s Witnesses as observing on that right date after sun down this year. Near 7,000,000 Witnesses near 8,000 take of the meal and near or around 14, or 15,000,000 (may be more now) come to that important meal at the right time for it. Will you be there this year in your area of the world? (find out where in your area) It is simple not showy just like the first time sit by Christ himself. It means everlasting life to obey and repent from anything the Bible says Christians need not be doing and start doing the things the Bible says we need to be doing if we want to make Jesus Father and God Jehovah happy with us. But that is your free will choice no one but you alone can rightly make it but you! Come or don't come your choice! If you love our Maker Jehovah, no one will need to try and force you to come. He wants you there from your own free will choice. Simple!
What do you guys think about Steve Carell leaving The Office?
I think the show is gonna get canceled! I used to love that show but this last season really wasn't that great especially after Jim and Pam got married cuz now what do they have to work with? Anyway, what do you guys think?
Why do I only like guys until they like me back?
I'll start out liking a guy a lot. Then I'll really want him to like me or ask me out. Then the second he starts liking me or asks me out I immediately don't like him anymore. Its almost like I'm repulsed by the thought of them. I know it sounds mean but I'm honestly a really nice person. I just don't understand why I get this way. It happens all the time. I'll really like a guy but then he'll like me and it will be like he disgusts me now. This has happened with several different guys. I've never had a boyfriend for more than a week because of it. And no I don't like girls I'm sure of that.
Does anyone know any "Old wives tales"??
I was wondering if anyone knew any old wives tales to predict the gender of the baby BEFORE a sonogram does, that could be a lot of fun, even if in the end it is inaccurate!!
Is there a bolt action .30-06 rifle in a long and heavy barrel??
I'm getting a rifle for target shooting, and thus I will be shooting a lot more than a hunter would be. I only want it in .30-06, and I looked around at savage and remington's heavy barrel rifles, but they aren't available in .30-06. Savage has the 12 series, and remington has some in the model 700s, but none are in .30-06. Also looked at the CZ 550 Varmint, that would have been perfect if it was in 30-06 because i prefer wood stock. The reason I need a long and heavy barrel is because I don't want the barrel to heat up too much, and I want weight to lower recoil. Seems like all the .30-06 guns are around 7ish lbs, when i'd like them to be around 9ish. Does anyone know of heavy barrel rifles in .30-06 (preferably wood stock)? Or should i just go with .308 and get the CZ 550 varmint, i heard some bad things about that one though. Thanks for suggestions!
Computer having problems on start up?
Your ram card is probably broken that happened to me try taking the ram out and starting it to see if it is? If so, buy a new one my friend! Oh and most Modern PC's have a little red light inside that will flash next to the problem area! so if you clean off the dust (which could also stuff up the component connections) you may see the light- hahaha!
What's the book with a series of stories involving a man reincarnated as a wolf?
Strange question, I know, but it's something that I read in middle school around 97-98. It was like a collection of different stories (kind of like ghost stories) but it was tied together (if I'm remembering correctly) with this guy that was trapped inside this wolf and ended with him like leaving his home behind and running with the other wolves. It had to be a teen kind of book, something on the 7th, 8th grade level probably. Two stories that I can remember (a little) had something to do with a graveyard and then another one in a school clroom at night. Not much to go on, I know. If I remember anything else, I'll put it on here. Thanks!
From 1-10 How would you rate my Fantasy Football Team?
right now an 8. rb's are average. spiller might be a good sleeper due to recent injuries. Jackson is good but on a horrible team. Charles is #2 rb in KC and Moreno is a mystery,
Does anyone else find it mind boggling....?
Why is it that like 90 percent of the people posting and answering questions on here can't spell to save their lives??
What to mix with vodka?
Ok so obviously you can make bloody marys or screwdrivers, but i need simple easy drinks to make with vodka that are tasty???
Anyone see "The Late Great Planet Earth" (1978) ? Awful, yet truly hilarious!?
My father read and made me read the book in the mid 80's, but i didn't know there was a movie from it,
Please correct my english and i will give you 10 points :D?
Wow, a lot more formal than I could ever write and I'm a native English speaker... Just out of interest, where are you from?
Gingrich as GOP prez in 2012, would he be as bad or worse than the Obama?
Newt Gingrich has at least had previous experience surrounding the Presidency of the United States and is familiar with the job for far more years than Obama. I feel he would make a better President than Obama, but his best would be a B- I'm supporting Ron Paul for President in 2012. Libertarians FTW!
I heard Barack Obama plans to p a bill that will raises white people's taxes and lower black people's taxes?
What is he thinking? I saw this on CNN today and I am absolutely appaled. They said President Obama is planning to have this ped, because he is getting a lot of letters from Black leaders about slavery reparations. Is this legal for him to p, and if so, don't you think this will incite the race riot?
Can I ask an incarcerated cousin?........?
if he s man in jail? He was something like a rapist b4 he went at the age of 13 now we r 24. anyway, we(the family) heard he startd a gang in jail and he'd beat up one of the guards and got even more time hence 7 yrs plus xtra counting from age 13. i know he d these 2 girls and he went to jail( we were like 10 or 11) so its not like it will hurt his feelings he killed alot of animals too. should i ask? i dont kno when hes getting out but im dying to know b/c its something he would do. if u ever watch that show Lockup or Lockdown whatever one it is they sleep with the men and still maintain their manliness they just take it. its really scary when they talk about it on that show. hes in prison by the way. and i always ask questions erbody wants to know and as my cousin he knows this sooo..... whats ur take on this?
Poured fuel system cleaner into engine oil tank. Help?
I went to have the car smogged and the guy tried to do a test on it and blue smoke came out of the exhaust tank. I failed the smog test of course. So what can I do to fix the car, the car is starting to shake.
What was the fastest Mac OS 8 computer made?
I'd like to know what the fastest Macintosh computer made that could run Mac OS 8.6. Both Desktop & Laptop. Thanks!
Where does the umbilical cord go?
i know when a baby is born there umbilical cord eventually rots and falls off, but what happens to the other end of the umbilical cord that's hanging from the women's after birth?
How do you cope on walks?
i cope by being less anxious than you are ... it was your perception and fear of the situation and your anxiety that made it a big mess ... if your dogs are friendly and walking on the beach, let them meet the other dogs off leash ... if your dogs are not into other dogs, then it is you who needs to take extra steps and that does not include leashing them and then walking them by a group of unleashed dogs ... if your dogs are not friendly or you do not want them to socialize, meander the other way, avoid, don't confront, especially with your anxiety level ... you made it a confrontation ... if you see a situation you can not handle, go the other way, don't suddenly expect a pack of playing dogs to ignore your leashed dogs ... i say get over yourself and walk your dogs where there are no other dogs ... otherwise just let them play, that is what most socialized dogs will do ... nothing you described about the off leash group was aggressive, even the dog who growled, growling does not equal aggression ... how do i cope, my dog is friendly regardless of the situation so walking her does not invoke anxiety in me ...
Monday, January 2, 2012
Mothers of 10ish month old babies????? (or those who have older babies)
Have your children started to change their sleeping patterns at all???? My daughter (for the last 5 days) has been really strange with her sleeps....up until then she was sleeping 2 hours in the morning 1.5-2 hours in the afternoon and 9-13 hours of a night (not waking) NOW she is sleeping for anywhere up to 3 hours in the morning WILL NOT settle for her afternoon sleep and is having very very restless sleep at night...she was up from 12am till 3 am this morning i had to give her a bottle (which i havent had to do since she was 8 weeks old) to get her to setlle and even then she didnt go back to sleep for about an hour......is anyone else having these troubles or does anyone know what it could be...its not teething no signs of it....she has had a little bit of a cold but nothing major...not colic....im lost.....
Where can i find neon pink sweatshirts?
My house is looking to find NEON or Fluorescent pink sweatshirts... the brighter the better, but we don't know where to get them. If anyone knows where we could find them that would be awesome! thanks !
Possible Miscarriage..?
my friend had that happen it ended up she had endometriosis you should talk to your dr. about that exspelly if your periods are late
I have a question about my cars audio system?
i have a 1984 pontiac firebird and im trying to upgrade my old cette player in it into a regular CD stereo. However i have no idea what wire colors go where (and since i need to know this to install the CD stereo its quite frustrating) but the old cette player company is called Delco sound system. Can anyone tell me or tell me where i can find out the color codes for my cars audio (and its not in the owners manuel)
Jehovah's Witnesses only: Do you know if the elders can help me?
HiI'm Sophia I'm a Jw too. That is a sad story. I honestly think that the elders can help with ur problem. first tell them whats going on then ask them for a person that was in the world but now is strongly in the truth. I hope everything goes ok. My dad is an elder and would proboly be perfect man for u. Bye :)
Batteries for digital cameras - can i switch back and forth?
If a digital camera comes with AA alkaline batteries, can I use them until they lose charge and then move on to rechargeable? Can I sometimes use rechargeable and sometimes use regular batteries?
Find the linear approximation?
a href="http://ca.search.yahoo.com/search?ei=utf-8&fr=slv1-&p=linear%20approximation&ei=UTF-8&type="http://ca.search.yahoo.com/search?ei=utf…/a
How often do you give salaam to your family?
We must re-inculcate this excellent habit of giving Salaam to every single Muslim we come across whether we know them or not.
What can you tell me about the different indigenous people of Mexico?
Do you mean currently or like Aztecs in the past? I live on the border of Mexico and I see homeless indigenous women and children begging or selling candy on the streets all the time. What I have never seen is a indigenous man so I have no idea how these women get pregnant. It's not like in the U.S where the native Americans have been Americanised. They still wear clothes that they make themselves and they carry babies in those sling type things. There is a group called Tauramara they have a language but they also speak Spanish. It's rumored that their rich because they make women beg on the streets. This is in the north of Mexico by the way. That's all I know.
Explain the difference between acids?
A conductivity test of a dilute solution of nitrous acid has very low electrical conductivity ( the bulb on the tester glows dimly) and the pH is measured to be about 4. The same concentration of a nitric acid solution makes the conductivity testers bulb glow brightly and has a pH of less then 1. Explain the difference between those two acids.
Im so confused, please help me out here?
okay, so my story goes like this: i hav likd a guy for about a a yr and after we both broke off relationships with no intentions of going out w/eachother, he finally asked me out but now we BARELY ever talk and on top of it my guy bff claims he is basically in love with me and i like him and dont want to lose him as a friend and im just so confused! i want more than anything to be w/the guy who askd me out just the other day and want it to work out but ther is one mor problem, his bff is also my ex, and it ended pretty badly, and sometimes we get along while other we dont, and so i understand the bros b4 hos thing, but i still think he should pay just a lil attention to me, but maybe im wrong, iv been broken up w/his bff for about two mos. and i think thats long enuf...i dont know how to handle this, please i desperately need some advice..please?
How to have an environmentally friendly Christmas?
Is it better to buy a tree from a grower who replants, or to buy a good fake that you could use for years?
Is it just me or r u also getting sick and tired of hearing about chris brown and rhianna ?
i mean now offence to them but i mean everyone kno's there a couple can people stop debateing it and move on already
Should I ask my co-worker if he is gay and likes me?
Best not ask him, it may offend or make him feel awkward, maybe he just wants to be a good straight friend with you
Always Exhauted And Fatigue For No Reason?
No matter how much I sleep even though I get atleast 8-10 hours of sleep I wake uo tired and moody and always have brain fog and head and face pressure,tightness.I been to the doctors and been tested for thyroid,anemia,thyroid,lyme,diabetes had a ct of the brain and nothing abnormal came back.So what could be the cause of these symptoms??
Sarah Palin on Michelle Obama's Obesity Fight?
I just read that Palin is at it again. She thinks Michelle Obama is forcing Americans to fight childhood obesity! Is this woman for real? Honestly. Perhaps 'Sarah Palin's Alaska' is causing brain freeze or something. She has a very bad case of hoof and mouth disease. Why would anyone attack a campaign that is trying to lower the incidences of obese children. What say you?
Elements at risk of cyclones?
Elements at risk of cyclones and other natural catastrophic phenomena include the population, building and civil engineering works, economic activities, public services, utilities and infrastructure in a given area.
Why Pit Bulls Should Be Banned? Good sites that show proof?
I am doing a subject in school and i my choice was pit bulls with the banning law but...i chose why they should be banned, Cause its easier XD so i need some sites that show authors and stuff that should a good bibliography, you know what im saying?
Did Jesus die for nothing?
Accepting evolution is a reasonable position to take. If Adam and Eve did not exist, no one committed original sin and therefore Jesus Christ did not need to die horribly to save us, and release all the souls in Limbo.
I knew Oliver Stone was nuts, but have you heard what he said now?
Hitler slaughered 25 million Russians, and that wasn't soldiers - that was men women and children. If you just do the math (25 million is more than 3 times the 7 million Jews he killed), you could say that he did worse to the Russians.
Did Jesus,muhamed,horus,mithra,kri… in common...?
Not Muhammad. There are several Greek and Egyptian Gods with similar immaculate conceptions. The Jesus story is based on the wicked King Nimrod who wanted to conceal the fact that he fathered a child with his mother, thus copying the immaculate conception story. That's why we celebrate the 25th of December. It's Nimrods B'day.
We are in the process of getting to know each other, i want to be friends now, how do i tell her?
i like somebody else much more and the girl i'm talking to now, kathy well i'm not really interested anymore. my heart is telling me that i should be with Mia. how do i tell Kathy i just want to be friends now?
Does anyone need Final Sem IT project ????? ;-) ?
Considering you use the term "Java swings" I'd guess that your 'projects' aren't worth the drive space they would occupy.
How do I get a girl to like me? ?
I have been friends with this girl for awhile and I want to go out with her. But she thinks I'm annoying cuz I say stupid things a lot. Also she hates that I touch her a lot(not inappropriately) but I'm that touchy kind of guy I hug a lot and I put my hand on your shoulder when your sad and try to coax you. And she hates that. She lives right down the road from me and across the lake. Our families are close too so we hang out a lot and go on eachothers boats. We have A LOT of similarities. So how do I get her to out with me?
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Can i tale video from meta cafe pro and put it on a flash drive?
yes you can. right click on the video and say save. select the location where you want to save it and click ok. your video will download to that location which could be your flashdrive as well
Pushing ethanol on the country is just another way for our government to this country for financial gain.
Hi can you help me with a list of songs or music.?
thinking of uploading my ipod with new songs that would fit my workout mood.Say like Rave music that is played in blade. I don't want anything sappy or sentimental,emotional. I also like crush by Jennifer paige. Just giving examples for the kind of music i like. This would also be a new experience to experiment different kinds of music and artists.Thank you.
Do seniors take advantage of the Black Friday shopping deals?
No, did that one year, back in the 1970s and said to myself, never again. It is not worth getting caught in the traffic jams, and standing in line, not to mention the rude shoppers you encounter. I call myself a casual shopper. I like to take my time, and look around, enjoy the shopping season. The thought of shoppers storming through the doors when they open, makes me shudder. It brings out the worst in many people, and I don't feel Christmas should be about greed, but love and kindness for others and peac in our hearts. The chaos takes away from the meaning of the season.
What do i do if i think my dad is cheating on my mom?
alright, so we were in the car for an eight hour drive, and my mom was driving, and my dad was on his blackberry. i was reading, and i glanced at his blackberry and saw the word 'beautiful'. so i tried to maneuver so i could get a closer look without attracting attention. what it read was, my beautiful princess, i am enroute to new york and am missing you 'something terrible'. then it went on for a paragraph i couldn't read. at the end, it said - i wish you were here, you have all my love, and then my dad's name. he scrolled down a bit, and he was writing in response to an email from a woman. let's say her name was lily walsh. i did actually see the name, i just don't want to put it on here. and her first words in her email were, hello sunshine! i looked up the woman's name on google, and she works in the same branch of the government that my dad works in. she lives in alberta, whereas we live in ontario, but my dad takes business trips out there all the time. i dont know what to do, should i ask him about it? im a lot closer to my dad than my mom, and we have money issues right now as it is, and if something really is wrong and my family splits up, i have no idea what will happen. i dont want to just accuse my dad of this either, in case im way off and its something different, but i cant imagine who he'd be sending such a message to. and yes, i am absolutely positive that's what the email said.
You like the O topic better than Dubya?
OK, I would like to see Dubya working as a vac cleaner salesman, because I KNOW he would be a whole better at that than as our president.
What is the sedation like for getting 4 molars extracted?
I just had my wisdom teeth removed, and the same anesthetic (the thing that makes you numb or sleepy) was used. Its pretty much another word for laughing gas. The needle goes in, your like "okay here goes".. you wait for the sleep part, and the next thing you know, your awake again like nothing happened. Be aware, after you come out of the sedation your going to be very dizzy, and everything WILL seem hilarious, but try not to laugh too much. after the laughing wears off, you'll be in some pain. make sure you get some pain medications.
"The Raven," by Edgar Allan Poe. ten points to best answer!!?
"what it utters is its only stock and store," means that the narrator believes the bird can say only this word -- it is a memory of sorts, an odd thing stored in its brain.
Is it true to say that Americans are finding the hate behind groups who support illegals?
Are they becoming more aware of the racism by these groups such as La Raza, SPLC, Casa of Maryland, American Civil Liberties Union’s, Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform and the rest of these criminal illegal alien aiders?
Is a GAS strike needed?
How are canker sores transmitted?
Well thats all really depends...do you have a canker sore now? Because if you do there is a good chance he could get it. Anyone can get canker sores just by simply kissing, sharing a drink, or touching something and then touching your mouth. Anyone can get a canker sore so easily. I doubt your dad will get one, and if he does it's really just a coincidence.
Stmach Problems, Removing Gallbladder?
Well over the Past year and half Ive been having stomach problems. When i went to hospital they found bile in my stomach so i have bile reflex, and erodible bowl. It was really bad during the mornings and in school. After eating different and taking miraLAX every day its better but not good enough. I Heard that removing the gallbladder could help, im only 15 and i don't want to drop out, but if it goes on i will probably have too. Im going to talk with my stomach doctor about it. I dont eat to healthy, mostly cereal pizza Raman noodles just bout every day. What should i do cause i dont want to remove something of my body if theres a fix
How might a woman who thinks you're into her but is not interested in you act?
Ok, in my opinion, if she is definitely not interested in you but she definitely knows you are interested in her, I think she would try to avoid you, or just straight up tell you that she is not interested in you, idk, that's just my opinion, hope it helps :)
Need some professional help?
The thing with the sagging skin is that fat is not area specific. That means you can't just lose fat in one part of your body. My advice to you is to eat right and find a gym and lift your entire body and do various ab workouts every other day until failure. Remember that when you workout, you need to keep your heart rate up and make sure you are doing enough to sweat. it will still take some time and it will not be easy, but over time, you will be healthier and will get the six pack you want.
Do you like my lyrics? feedback? does anyone want more?
This great, with a few tweaks in your choice of words. This can be a hit. I think it should be more upbeat, rather than medium or slow. Throw in some cool guitar licks or drum rolls.
Im 12 weeks and all ive doe latley is cry and feel really sad.. Will my baby be okay?
Your hormones are out of whack. Im sure the babys fine. Just bc u aren't with the father doesn't mean you won't be a great mom. Try to find someone to talk too, it helps
Aperture science?
this was a triumph. I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. Aperture Science We do what we must because we can. For the good of all of us. Except the ones who are dead. But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake. And the Science gets done. And you make a neat gun. For the people who are still alive. I'm not even angry. I'm being so sincere right now. Even though you broke my heart. And killed me. And tore me to pieces. And threw every piece into a fire. As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you! Now these points of data make a beautiful line. And we're out of beta. We're releasing on time. So I'm GLaD. I got burned. Think of all the things we learned for the people who are still alive. Go ahead and leave me. I think I prefer to stay inside. Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe Black Mesa THAT WAS A JOKE. HAHA. FAT CHANCE. Anyway, this cake is great. its so delicious and
How do I convince my parents not to cut my hair so short?
My dad wants to have my hair cut short but I don't like it. I look like Dora. No offense Dora lovers. I've had that hair and it took me 2 years to grow it back. And I like my hair long. It's the length of half my back and I am 4"11. My dad is making me cut my hair like 5 and a half inches. No way hozay. And I want side bangs and my hair cut like Selena Gomez. Maybe some wavy hair and layers too. So can you guys give me some ideas. I'm getting my hair cut on Friday. Thanks :)
Rehousing midwifes help?
Hi, am currently 36 weeks pregnant and am starting to get worried about the house am in at the minute, we private rent and cant afford the rent because my partner lost his job and isnt entitled to anything, but hes tryin for a new one job. but anyways, we have really steep stairs and ive already fallen down them when i was 13 weeks pregnant and with the toliet been downstairs its quite scary when your half a sleep! we have a really bad heating system, ive already spoken to my landlord about it, but he just says he thinks am 'cold blooded'! the temperatures in the bedroom, with the heating on, dont get over 15 degrees. the temperature in the bathroom is really bad the highest it gets is 13 degrees! we have nosey neighbours, that i dont want to cause any trouble with! ive had a football chucked at my front window and a stratch on my car because of there children. Am starting to get worried and i think il be more worried when the baby is here about the heating and the stairs and i know i wont be settled, ive looked around for a cheaper house that would be better but there isnt any, ive applied for a council house but have only been award a few points, would my midwife be able to help in anyway of getting a new home?
Did your church show the Big Game on the Big Screen?
That's so ridiculous. I want the job of auditing churches for the NFL when party rules are broken! (not!) My church back home voted whether or not to show the game that was on (this is Chicago, so da Bears... ya know) on New Year's Eve. The pastor had the sense to realize that people would be really late to watch night service because they were trying to watch the end of the game. I was going to stay home, so I didn't care, but I voted YES along with the vast majority, so they showed that game and the church has 10,300 seats! I bet the NFL would just LOVE hearing that one.
Is this bipolar disorder?
buy impulsively, make impulsive drastic desitions like leaving college, making a piercing, moving out of my house, visit prosittutes....depression over silly stuff like girlfriend no answering phone, cant concentrate watching movies or tv .....can it be bipolar?
I had an ACL reconstruction about 4 1/2 yrs ago.?
I am now 23 yrs old. My knee just recently started to pop like the bones would be rubbing, no real pain yet just uncomfortability. I never reinjured my knee, what maybe could be causing that?
Do you think a giant Mosque will be contructed at the site where Osama last breathed by Pakistan?
Just to give OSAMA a martyr status, Pakistan Govt(unofficially) wiil allow a Mosque in rememberance of him at Abbottabad?
You meet a wizard downtown in Chicago...?
Being a Chicago native, the correct answer is none. You mug him, steal his magic wand, then pull the same scam on everybody else.
What is going on and Grey's Anatomy?
In addition to MsX above, Carev was attacked by a buy who had his apt. blown up when making Meth and his son was going through withdrawel and had a stroke (at the age of 1), Callie is in trouble w/ cheif cause the attack and kidnapping happened on her watch and she didnt even know about it (the father and son were just hiding in a closet in his wifes room though). Izzy and George are not going to be together again till he can tell Callie. Mama Burke came and took all of Burkes stuff from the apartment, including the wedding gifts.
Harry potter???????.................…
If this is your dream, work on a first book, rewrite it, make it perfect, and try as hard as you possibly can to get it to JK Rowling. I know that might sound impossible, but that would be your best bet. Or submit a few chapters to her somehow. I honestly don't think people would want to buy them unless JK Rowling has her name on the books somewhere.
Good idea or no. ??????/?
im 13 , and my bf told my bestfriend tht he wrote a song and hes gonna serande it to me . what is serenading and is tht like a rlly romantic thing and a good idea to give to your gf for xmaas.
What could this mean??!? BFN BFP OR EVAP?
ok i took an HPT monday (blue dye) they both showed very very faint lines...the first one was kind of grayish...the second one...very very faint but with a tint of blue....went to the doctor tuesday...only gave me a pee test (even tho i asked 5 times to give me a blood test) bought FRER hpt thursday....3 pk.....took 2 thursday night (messed the 1st one up) but the second one i didn't really notice anything because i was looking for it RIGHT beside the control one...anyways...friday took the 3rd one....it said and still says BFN....but the one from thursday night...when i went to throw it away friday...there was and is a very faint but PINK positive line there....is this a BFP or an EVAP>???? please help me...im going crazy....(the blue dye test still says positive as well and then my test from when i found out i was pregnant with my son in 2005 they still say postive as well) but what could this mean?? help!! thank you
Did anyone see Nikita (Echoes) tonight?
I know Amanda drugged Alex and Nikita's friend double-crossed her, But I kind of need a detailed episode recap because I missed it. Thanks.
How to get rid of a spell put on me by someone else?
Hi, when I was 20 years old I was told that someone put a spell on me. The spell was done to make me see how I treat my friends. At the time I was very skeptical but as time goes by I'm seeing some patterns through my life that is making me wonder if this is true. It was apparently done by someone who was not a friend and I felt didn't have validation to do something like that to me. I want to know if this kind of thing is real and if so how do I get rid of it. I don't think I'm a bad person and I treat all my friends how I expect to be treated. I am finding that I always have one person in my life that repeats certain things to me as this witch lady said to me but they never knew her. I find this very spooky and wish to dispel anything from my life thats negative
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