Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Can I be a WWE Superstar?

I have health conditions. I have asthma, aspergers, seizure disorder, and ADHD/ADD. I'm still in high school I go to a tech high school that ha no wrestling team. I was on the football team but I left in the end due to failing physical science but I ped with a "D". I'm 15 years old going to 10th. I want to be a wrestler because it seems like the ONLY thing I can do REALLY WELL. I'm too rough my mom won't play with me. When I'm furious I go mentally unstable I have a recent past of going to psych hospitals. I stay quiet most of the time don't bother nobody. I don't have a social life I just stay in and play SvR. I'm mad because I can't join the Army when I'm 18, I can't cause I had asthma p age 13. I can't do NASCAR because I could zone or space out while driving, and definitely NOT boxing. I can do football. But I feel I'm better at wrestling. I'm 5'5 154 lbs. I'm kinda strong but with average body fat I have a little gut you could say. I wish Ito have the exact body as Steiner by the time I'm 25-32. If i do play football I'm a try to get the body of Steiner. Steiner is like Broly but in reality with out the ki blast. What do you think?

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